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Team U College Coaching Walking with you on your college journey

Team U College Coaching

Walking with you on your college journey.

Julie Pron, Head Coach, Team U College Coaching

" At Team U College Coaching, I provide personalized, one-on-one guidance to help students find the colleges that truly fit them. With a focus on strategy, essay support, and thoughtful decision-making, I help students navigate the application process with confidence and clarity."

"I believe that not everyone is cut from the same mold and that students need to learn about themselves to help find the best college for them. And just like each student is different, each student’s application journey will be different. As Coach, I help guide them through the discovery of finding and applying to the colleges that will make them the proudest to attend."
Icons of colleges and universities where Team U College Coaching students have been accepted.

Thank you so much, Julie! You have been a godsend for [our son] and us!! We are beyond thankful for all you have done to help him with this challenging process. We can’t wait to see where he decides to go!

Courtney & Michael F., parents, Class of 2024

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